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Nose Aesthetics (Rinoplasti)

Rhinoplasty, is the most preferred and common aesthetic procedure. It is preferred both by people with respiratory problems and by people who are not satisfied with the shape of the nose. The nose area is the most remarkable area of the face and with rhinoplasty, the face acquires a more aesthetic, more symmetrical and more shaped appearance. With the surgical procedure, the low appearance of the nose, the fold scar, the wide nostrils and the shapes of the bony nose are reshaped.


Thanks to rhinoplasty, it is possible to completely change the shape of the nose. In rhinoplasty, there is a change from cartilage structure to skin tissue. The content of the rhinoplasty process varies according to the request of the person and the necessary correction.
Sometimes a very small surgical intervention is sufficient, while sometimes more radical changes can be made. Before rhinoplasty, local anesthesia or full anesthesia is applied according to the request of the person. With the anesthesia applied, the person does not feel any pain. During rhinoplasty, the cartilage and bone structure is reshaped through the incision.

After surgery, some mild side effects occur in the person. A common one is a runny nose for about a week. That's why the tampon is wrapped in the nose for about a week. For a week or two, swelling and bruising due to pressure are experienced under the eyes.

 However, these effects pass by themselves after a while. It is very important that the rhinoplasty is performed by experts in the field of aesthetics in order to be successful and to avoid complications afterwards. Because the most difficult procedure among aesthetic procedures is rhinoplasty. If you are not careful, both the physical appearance will not be as desired and physical deterioration may be experienced in the new appearance after a while after the operation. Breathing problems can also occur.
If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your nose or if you have respiratory problems, you can contact Aestheal and get information and appointment from our expert team. The content and application of rhinoplasty is shaped according to the desire and facial structure of the person. In general, it is aimed to achieve a more aesthetic and shaped nose shape with a natural appearance.

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